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Provides opening of the program windows.
QSO Data Entry
Opens the QSO Data Entry window - QSOs logger.
Contest Rules
Opens the Contest Rules window containing contests rules.
Operating a Contest
Opens the Operating a Contest window.
Awards and Clubs Statistics
Opens the Awards and Clubs Statistics window for to see to execution of awards rules.
Countries and Territories
Opens the Countries and Territories window with the information on prefixes of the countries and territories of the world.
Bureau and Managers Information
Opens the Bureaus and Managers Information window containing the QSL - Bureaus, Managers and DX Stations addresses and terms of the awards.
List of Managers\Names\QTHs
Opens the List of QSL Managers\Names\QTHs window containing the QSL - Managers information, lists of offered names and QTHs.
DXs Today's
Opens the DXs Today's window - DXs which can be met today.
Opens the Calendar/Diary window - calendar, notepad.
RIG Control and Tape Recorder
Runs the RIG Control and Tape Recorder window interactive panel of the receiver and digital tape recorder.
Runs the Sked window - to appoint the Sked and to turn on the alarm clock.
Runs the DX-Submit window - DX-Submit and Announcements.
Shortcut: F11
DX Atlas
At a choice of this item opens the submenu menu of control by the DX Atlas program. This item will be available only if the "DX Atlas" program is installed.
Preferences ...
Opens the Log Setup window for customization of logger parameters.
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