Key [QSO]
Call - the contacted station's callsign.
Name - the contacted operator's name.
QTH - the contacted station's city.
RST_Rcvd - signal report from the contacted station.
Number1Rcvd - contest QSO received serial number.
Number2Rcvd - contest QSO received information.
RST_Sent - signal report sent to the contacted station.
Number1Sent - contest QSO transmitted serial number.
Number2Sent - contest QSO transmitted information.
QSO_Date - QSO date like 01.12.2002.
QSO_DateL - QSO date like 02 Dec 2002.
Time_On QSO time.
Band - QSO band.
Freq - QSO frequency.
Mode - QSO mode.
QSLVia - the contacted station's QSL route.
NextNr1 - next contest QSO transmitted serial number.
NextNr1 - next contest QSO transmitted information.
Call - the contacted station's callsign.
Name - the contacted operator's name.
QTH - the contacted station's city.
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