[date_time] | QSO date and time like 15.06.1999 02:37:59
[cdate] | QSO date like 15 Jun 1999
[ctime] | QSO time HH:MM like 02:38
[callsign] | the contacted station's callsign
[cname] | the contacted operator's name
[qth] | the contacted station's city
[mode] | QSO mode like SSTV
[band] | QSO band by meters, like 20M
[mhz] | QSO band by MHz, like 14.0
[frequency] | QSO frequency like 14.230.20
[rst_sent] | signal report sent to the contacted station like 599
[rs_s] | signal report sent to the contacted station like 599
[rst_rcvd] | signal report from the contacted station like 599
[qsl_sent] | QSL sent status
[qsl_rcvd] | QSL received status
[qsl] | PSE QSL or TNX QSL â çàâèñèìîñòè îò QSL received status
[manager] | the contacted station's QSL route
[cqslmsg] | QSL Message, for example nice SSTV QSO!
[pinfo] | personal information, for example CQ:16, ITU:29, Loc:KO94mx, RDA:MO-71
[operator] | the logging operator's callsign
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