Note: This list is provided as a convenience. RA3DCT is not responsible for the content and software on these sites.
- Integrates with CQ Callbook by RA3DCT. CQ Callbook is a Online Internet Callbook makes easy to find QSL information from web-accessible sources like address and manager databases, and country-specific callbooks.
- Receiving of data from CwGet by UA9OSV. A program to decode morse code (CW) via sound card to text.
- Receiving of data from DigiPan by KH6TY, UT2UZ and UU9JDR. A Freeware Program for PSK31. DigiPan stands for "Digital Panoramic Tuning" and brings the ease and simplicity of PANORAMIC reception and transmission to PSK31 operation.
- Integrates with DX Atlas by VE3NEA. Electronic World atlas for radio amateurs. DXCC and worldwide province/state prefixes, CQ and ITU Zones in the rectangular, azimuthal and Globe projections, 3D relief, Gray Line, and much more.
- Two-way data exchange with MixW2 by UT2UZ and UU9JDR. MixW is a multimode program for HAMs. It will help you in regular and contest QSOs. This program have many features which give you almost automatic processing of a QSO. MixW supports: SSB, AM, FM, CW, BPSK31, QPSK31, FSK31, RTTY, Packet, Pactor, AMTOR (FEC), MFSK, Hellschreiber, Throb, Fax, SSTV, MT63.
- Two-way data exchange with TrueTTY by UA9OSV. A program for amateur radio digital communications via a sound card. Supported modes are RTTY, ASCII, PSK31, and AMTOR-FEC. SELFEC SITOR and HF-PACKET (AX25) decoding is possible.