I have used many logging programs and have finally found one that really fills all of my needs. I especially like "instant call detection". As a call sign is typed in, previous QSO's plus call book data and regional data is instantly displayed. I even get a message telling me if it is needed for an award. Another great feature interfaces my favorite PSK program. There are too many features to mention them all except to say "try it, you will like it!". William, KH6/N0CO |

- Can find all previous contacts with the same amateur after entering of the callsign. It also finds and shows: DXCC-country, QTH-locator, coordinates, distance and azimuth. Name and QTH may be entered manually or can be choosen from the list of previous values.
- Support for Flying Horse (RAC), QRZ! Callsign Database, GOLIST DX QSL manager's database, and CQ Callbook - Online Internet Callbook. It's possible to fill the Name and QTH fields automatically. The internal DX Managers base (more than 14 thousand) with possibility of upgrade from 425 DX News.
- The DX-calendar with possibility of spots search in the DX-Summit database will help to find out DX's it is possible "today" to hear and DX-Submit will allow you to send the DX-info into a cluster.
- Can save up to 3 pictures for each SSTV-QSO through the copy/paste procedure. Two-way data exchange with MixW2, and TrueTTY. Receiving of data from DigiPan and CwGet is supported. Integrates with DX Atlas (see Compatible Software).
- Full compatibility with eQSL.cc. Real-time upload QSOs to eQSL.cc. Can download QSLs from eQSL.cc and update your log to reflect confirmations.
- Can download LoTW QSLs and update your log to reflect confirmations.
- Can sort QSOs by DATE/TIME, by CALL, by NAME, by QTH - in fact by the value of any displayed column. To sort QSOs by some value you must only left-click or right-click the header of the appropriate column. There is a best search subsystem which allows to find any information you need from the log.
- Can calculate current statistics for
RDA, WAS, and WAZ (for LoTW, and eQSL available also). It is possible to print appropriate applications. Also calculates QSOs with the members DIG, and
VETERAN clubs.
- Prints QSL cards and QSL labels, addresses envelopes, and prints address labels. Can use a Microsoft Word for printing QSL cards and QSL labels. Prints the applications, lists, reports.
- Imports and exports ADIF-compliant log files.
- The is a special "contest-mode" in the program. With the help of switches you can adjust the logbook for use in almost any contest. Exports CABRILLO, and ASCII files.
- There are a virtual RIG-interface. Supports CAT system for YAESU, ICOM, KENWOOD, Ten-Tec. Digital recorder, which allows to save the received signal. Implemented interactive world-map dynamically shows QTH-locator, azimuth and distance to any territory pointed by mouse pointer.
- An extensive Windows help file containing clear explanations for all options is included. Just press the F1 key anywhere to get help on a certain option.